Sciatica is basically the experience of sharp and shooting pain through the gluteus and down the leg. Sciatica occurs when there is an impingement of the sciatic nerve which is compressed by the discs of the lumbar spine.
While there are numerous causes of sciatica, the most common are:
- lumbar bulging disc
- spine degeneration
- facet joint injuries
- piriformis syndrome
- spinal stenosis
- spondylolisthesis
- sacroiliac dysfunction
It is important to manage the pain and manage the inflammation.
Conventional therapeutic protocols include physiotherapy guided exercises such as McKenzie extensions and core strengthening exercises. However, the inclusion of integrative healthcare solution such as Remedial Massage Therapy can dramatically improve clinical outcomes.
An experienced Remedial Massage practitioner has a range of techniques at their disposal such as:
- PNF Stretching
- Soft –tissue release
- Myofascial release
- Muscle Energy technique
If the problem still persists and /or becomes severe then consultation with a GP for anti-inflammatory medication for pain management or a CT-guided periradicular nerve root injection is highly recommended.
Continuum of care should still include the aforementioned complementary therapies and also consider the incorporation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Therapies such as Yoga (similar to MET principle), Bowen treatment and Acupuncture to resolve the issue.