Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Celiac Disease common amongst Punjabi’s

A recent complementary medicine research study published in the latest edition of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology has revealed that Americans with Punjabi ancestry have a higher than normal occurrence of Celiac disease (CD). This American study revealed that Celiac Disease was:
  • Most common amongst Americans of Punjabi ancestry
  • The incidence of CD was significantly less than other US residents including Jewish, Middle Eastern, South Indian, East Asian and Hispanic and other Americans.
  • Both men and women had similar incidences of CD
It is highly likely that this higher incidence of CD amongst Punjabis is due to:
  1. Dietary patterns (gluten-sensitive autoimmune disease) – wheat is part of the staple diet of Punjabis’ whereas in Southern and Eastern India it is rice
  2. and/or
  3. Genetic predisposition
These finding points to Punjabis being very prone to CD. Therefore,lifestyle advice, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies, and appropriate food and nutrition advice should be considered in the treatment and prevention of CD in patients of Punjabi ancestry.